Can You Shoot on Your Property in Pennsylvania?

A person holding down a red sniper hunting rifle

Pennsylvania is an open carry state. This means that its residents are allowed to carry their weapons without a permit. However, the gun laws in Philadelphia are quite different. While you can open carry your weapon across other cities in the state, you will need a permit to carry in Philadelphia. Not to worry, regulation …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in Oklahoma?

A person wearing a brown camo while aiming with a long gun

Oklahoma, the state where the first electric guitar was ever invented, is an open carry state. You don’t need a permit to carry a firearm while in the state. And with the elimination of licenses for concealed carry in 2019, you also don’t need a license to carry a concealed weapon in Oklahoma. Oklahoma might …

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PPQ vs P10C

A pistol with exposed barrel and guide rod

The PPQ and P10C are both great handguns for home defense and even for competitive shooting. When it comes to PPQ vs P10C, which one is better? Choosing the right handgun for you will make you feel at ease and comfortable in using the handgun. PPQ vs P10 C General Overview The PPQ and P-10 …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in Oregon?

A pistol being shot with a flying bullet

Open carry is legal in Oregon. There is no law that requires you to have a permit to carry a firearm in the state. However, just like any other state in the US, Oregon regulates the ownership and use of firearms and ammunition. Oregon might have one of the most lenient gun laws, but it …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in New Jersey?

Closeup of a man handling a firearm

New Jersey is one of the several states that have the most restrictive gun laws in the country. You are not allowed to open carry or concealed carry a handgun in New Jersey unless you have a permit to do so. Now, with such restrictive gun laws, is it legal to shoot on your property? …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in Utah?

Guy in red and blue plaid polo shooting a rifle

When creating firearm laws in any state, there needs to be a balance between preserving the residents’ rights to carry a weapon and protecting life. Finding this balance may be difficult and some states end up being strict in some areas and relaxed in others. Utah is one of the states that has tried to …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in Wyoming?

Guy in blue shirt holding a brown rifle

Hunting season provides an exciting time for any firearm owner. It provides a great way to put to practice all the shooting skills you acquired in the firing range. Knowing the laws that govern shooting on your property enables you to do so in a legal manner. Can You Shoot on Your Property in Wyoming? …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in Rhode Island?

Man wearing a jacket standing on a grass field holding a rifle

Rhode Island is not an open carry state. You will need a permit to carry your weapons unless you are on your land, in your home or at your place of business. And because the state laws are restrictive to a certain extent, it is not easy to sale, own or use a firearm while …

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Glock 22 vs 23

A Glock handgun

Glock has been a reliable handgun maker for many years now. Most handguns they make have grown in popularity so it’s no surprise that I am making a Glock 22 vs Glock 23 comparison. Both weapons have striking similarities and differences to explore. Glock 22 vs 23 General Overview To start, both the Glock 22 …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in New York?

Rifle with a scope inside a case

New York State has some of the most complicated and strictest gun laws in the entire country. Adding to this complexity is the fact that New York City tends to have different gun laws than New York State. Therefore, before shooting on your property, gun owners should know and understand the unique rules of the …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in New Mexico?

A man sighting in a rifle

Do you enjoy recreational gun shooting or target shooting? Your home is one of the best places you can enjoy this great adrenaline-packed sport. Although New Mexico has a variety of gun ranges that are open to the public, target shooting on your property is more convenient and saves money. You avoid traveling to the …

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Can You Shoot on Your Property in West Virginia?

Guy wearing blue jacket shooting a machine gun

Constant target practice allows you to master shooting of your firearm. While you can do this at a shooting range, you may want to have extended practice on your own property. You should therefore find out if the laws in your locality allow this. Can You Shoot on Your Property in West Virginia? Yes, the …

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